How To Submit Site URL To Google Search Console – See The Steps Here

You cannot force Google to index your website. In this article, we will discuss how to submit site URL to Google search console. There are many ways to make it easier for search engines to discover, crawl and index your website URLs. One of the easiest ways to help Google discover your site and do the needful is to know how to submit site URL to Google Search Console inspection tool and further ask Google to index it.

How To Submit Site URL To Google Search Console’s URL Inspection Tool.

Submitting your URL through Google Search Console’s URL inspection tool is the easiest and fastest way to notify Google that you have new content or updated content that the search engine should crawl and index.

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How To Submit Your URL To URL Inspection Tool

The following are the steps on how to submit your URL to the URL inspection toll.

  • On any web browser of your choice, sign into your Google Search Console Account.
  • Make sure you select the property
  • Go to your website and copy the content or website URL you want to submit.
  • Go to the Google Search Console page that you opened earlier and paste the URL into the upper part of the platform.
  • Check if the URL you are submitting is indexable by clicking the INDEX LIVE URL button.
  • The next thing is to click on the REQUEST INDEXING button.
  • Google will then automatically add the website or content URL you submitted to its crawling queue.

If you want to monitor the status of the URL you submitted on Google Search Console, paste the same URL into the same field again. The Inspection tool will indicate if the URL has already been discovered and crawled and the last time such activity happened.

How To Create And Submit Extensive Markup Language (XML) Sitemap To Google

An Extensive Markup Language (XML) sitemap is a fast and well-organized way to alert Google that the URLs on your website should be crawled and indexed. It can also be used to show when the content on a URL was modified last. If you want your XML sitemap to be easily discoverable to Google and also get feedback, you need to submit it to the sitemap section of Google Search Console.

How To Submit An Extensive Markup Language (XML) Sitemap to Google Search Console (GSC)

Below are the steps to submit your XML sitemap to Google Search Console.

  • On any Web browser of your choice, log in to Google Search Console
  • Then choose a property.
  • Click on the SITEMAPS button in the right-column menu with other options.
  • Enter the sitemap URL and click on SUBMIT button.
  • Then check the status of updated XML sitemaps.
  • Yea! It is done.

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