How To Remove Your Followers On Facebook And All You Need To Know

In case are looking for how to remove your followers on Facebook? Or you want to reduce the number of people following your Facebook page or handle. Who are those following you on Facebook and how did they start following you? Some people can choose to follow you on Facebook by clicking on the following button. Others may follow you when a friend request is sent across to you and you set the request as pending. When you put a friend request on pending(that is you neither accepted the friend request nor rejected it), the person or sender will automatically start following you on Facebook. How To Remove Your Followers On Facebook And All You Need To Know

Even if you set a friend request to pending, select not now or even delete the friend request, the sender will be set to automatically follow you. This means that the process of someone following you on Facebook starts from the point where a friend request is sent out.

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How To Remove Your Followers On Facebook

Knowing how to reach your followers on Facebook is very easy if you know how to do so. There are different ways you remove your followers on Facebook and stop them from following you. There are no noticeable options you can use to unfollow someone on Facebook as it is applicable and easy to unfriend someone on Facebook. To be sincere, there is no known option you can use to help you stop people from following you on Facebook. But there are some other approaches that can help you do the same job and achieve your desired purpose.

How To Know Who Is Following You On Facebook

Before you start thinking of how to remove your followers on Facebook, you should first find out who your followers are. It is very easy to find out and know who is following you on Facebook. There is no separate list for your Facebook followers but you can see who is following you on Facebook by going through your friend request. Use the steps below to know your Facebook followers. With the steps we will show you below, you will be able to know who is following you on Facebook

  • Go to your Facebook profile
  • Click/tap on the Friends tab.
  • There are some tabs, named Friends, Following, and Followers. Select Followers.
  • A list of people will be shown who are following you. This list looks the same as a friend list.

Now you know those that are following you on Facebook. The next step is to find out how to remove your followers on Facebook that you don’t want to be following again.

Steps to Successfully Remove Your Followers On Facebook

There are two major methods that will help you find how to remove your followers on Facebook. See the list below:

Method 1

The first method to find out how to remove your followers on Facebook is to block the selected user. Blocking the user will enable you to stop them from following you. This action will not stop the other followers from following you. Although it doesn’t work for all users, it is a preferred method because it will help you remove or stop any annoying users from follwing you on Facebook or even having access to your private information. Use the steps below to block your Facebook follower.

  • Go to the Following tab. (your Profile > Friends > Following).
  • Click the follower or go to his/her profile.
  • Block that person. The block option can be found near Add Friend.
  • A popup box will appear, press Confirm.

Once you have followed the above steps, the Facebook user you blocked will no longer have access to your timeline or see what you post on your timeline thereby making it impossible for them to follow you again.

Method 2

The second method you can use to find out how to remove your follower on Facebook is to restrict who can follow you on Facebook. This method gives you the ability to control the activities of people who want to follow you on Facebook. Using this method will also help you to select the category of people that will be able to follow you while the other categories will not be allowed to follow you. The following are the steps you can use to restrict your followers.

  • Go to Settings.
  • On the Settings page, select Followers in the left pane.
  • In the right pane, find the Who Can Follow Me section. Most probably, this option will be set to ‘Everybody’. Change it to ‘Friends’.


Having shown you how to remove your followers on Facebook, and having seen the two methods you can use to stop people from following you, it means that it is only your Facebook friends that will be able to follow you on Facebook. With these actions, the FOLLOWING button that usually appears on your Facebook will be automatically removed. It is better you restrict who follows you on Facebook to your friends only if you totally want to avoid unnecessary Facebook followers.

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