As an old user of a Yahoo mail account, the number of email messages in your Yahoo inbox may be so much. This page will discuss how to delete emails from yahoo inbox. Yahoo has tools which can be used to delete emails in Yahoo inboxes. With this tool, all your old and unwanted messages can be removed easily from your yahoo inbox.
The option or steps to delete all your email from your yahoo inbox are:
To delete all the messages outrightly. This means you will delete the messages from your inbox and cannot retrieve it again.
To Archive your messages. In archiving your messages, they will be deleted from your inbox but preserved in the archive in case you need them in future and want to refer to them.
How To Delete Emails From Yahoo Inbox
Here are steps on how to delete emails from Yahoo inbox. Deleting email messages outrightly from your yahoo inbox means you cannot refer to them again in future. It doesn’t allow the user to select all the messages at once and it is time-consuming. The following are the steps:
In your web browser, open Yahoo mail.
- Click the checkbox at the top of the browser, A drop-down box will pop up, then click on select ALL. It can also select all automatically.
- Scroll down to see all the messages on the yahoo mail inbox to select more messages.
- Click on the check box arrow to select All. All the messages will then be selected.
- Click on the delete and confirm you want t delete.
- If all the messages in your inbox were not deleted, repeat the process until all are deleted
Steps To Archive Your Message On Yahoo Mail
To archive your messages mean to clean your mail inbox by hiding it in such a way that you can still refer to it in future, It is more efficient to archive your messages than to delete them outrightly. Yahoo mail provides a one-click tool for archiving. See the steps below:
- Go to your browser and open Yahoo Mail
- On the left-hand side of your page, you will see inbox take your cursor around the inbox and see a drop-down arrow.
- On the drop-down, choose CLEAN YOUR INBOX
- A window will pop up, from here now, click on Archive emails to proceed, this process might take time if the volume of messages in your inbox is much. When the process is completed, your inbox will e empty but the messages will be moved to the Archive folder.
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