How To Create A Facebook Business Page In 5 Steps Here

If you have a business and want to be visible;e online or on any of the social media platforms, you can create a Facebook page. In this article, we will talk about how to create a Facebook business page and the steps to do it and at the end, you will know how to create one. Having a Facebook business helps you to advertise and market your products and services on Facebook. A Facebook page is one of the dominant tools you can use to connect with your existing customers and also to reach out to new customers.

There are up to 2.94 billion Facebook users on monthly basis and 1.96 billion Facebook users who log into Facebook on daily basis. It is on record that Facebook page is the most popular social network that can connect you to many opportunities which include running Facebook ads, linking you to Instagram shops, etc. The Facebook page helps you to grow your brand awareness and audience on social media to generate sales.

What Is Facebook Business Page?

A Facebook Business Page is a public profile on Facebook meant for businesses, public figures, and organizations to advertise and promote themselves and the products or services they offer to the public. Once you know how to create a Facebook business page, you will be able to publish content from customers and employees, share important updates, and promote events. It will also give you access to Facebook’s powerful advertising platforms and Facebook Shops which are among the amazing tools you can use to grow your operations on Facebook.

Your Facebook page is not expected to be a static site. Although there might be things that will be static like your cover image and information. If you want to manage your Facebook page correctly, you must constantly update it with content that will attract people.

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How To Create A Facebook Business Page

The following is how to create a Facebook business page. Just take the steps below to set up your Facebook business page.

Create A Page

You can create a Facebook business page only if you have an existing personal Facebook account. If you do, the first thing you will do is log into your Facebook account. When you are logged in, click on PAGES in the left-hand menu under the CREATE section.

Enter Your Basic Information

One of the steps how to create a Facebook business page is to fill in your personal information. The three (3) basic pieces of information that must be provided before you will be able to create a Facebook business account include:

  • Page Name: Your page name is the name and title of your page. I might be your business name, company name, or any other name you may choose. In case the name you choose is similar to another popular Facebook page name, all you need to do is to add a descriptor people can easily use to find you.
  • Category: You are expected to type a word to describe your business. In most cases, Facebook will bring out or suggest options from which you can choose. But you have to choose a category that best describes your business.
  • Bio/Description: You are expected to provide a summary of what the business is all about. This is optional.
  • After that, click on CREATE PAGE. The above is how to create a Facebook business page easily within seconds.

Complete Your Facebook Business Page Information

The next step is to provide your Facebook business page information like the following:

  • Website
  • Phone number
  • Email
  • Address
  • Business hours

Although this information is necessary they are optional. If you don’t want to display your address, and phone numbers on the page, you can leave them blank. Then click on the NEXT button to get to the next page setup.

Add A Profile And Cover Photos

The type of photo you put on your profile and cover should be able to have features that best describe your brand and make it recognizable by your customers. Your profile picture can be your logo. Most businesses use their logo as a profile picture. Be creative and design your logo very well. Add a background colour to make your logo unique.

Your Facebook Business page is like the face of the business because it is the first thing visitors to the page see. Ensure you choose a cover picture that will describe your brand and general business. The size of the profile picture must be in a square format with at least 170 px by 170 px. And the cover picture must be 851px by 315 px.

Add An Action Button (a.k.a. CTA)

Facebook will allow you to include an action button at the top of your page. You can use the action button to direct visitors toward the action you want them to take. You can also link your websites, and business-specific services such as online ordering, etc with your action button.

Optimize Your Facebook Business Page

To get the best results, you need to take time and do the following:

  • Add your website: Add your website URL on the space provided for it on the Facebook business page and fill in a brief ABOUT description.
  • Connect WhatsApp: By connecting your WhatsApp, customers or visitors to your page can easily reach out to you via that avenue instead of using Facebook messenger.
  • Add Your Location And Hours: You can add your physical address if your business has one and also the opening hour in the ABOUT section.
  • Turn On Reviews: You can build your customer’s trust by putting your reviews on your Facebook page. But while doing this, ensure you are careful with the reviews you add and that they are from real customers and not from spammers who want to ruin your reputation. When you notice a customer is unhappy, make sure you reach out to them and make things right.
  • Edit Your Page Tabs: You can choose to hide the tabs for likes, reviews, music, books, etc. Tab MORE and then Manage Sections from your page management dashboard.
  • Create A Custom URL: Having a CUSTOM FACEBOOK PAGE URL or user name makes your page look legitimate to customers and visitors. To set this, go to settings -> General page settings, then click on the edit button next to the USERNAME field.
  • Create A Pinned Post (optional): This aspect is optional. Add a new post that is specifically meant for your Facebook page fans such as a coupon. Alternatively, you can link the post out to other offers, profiles, etc. It serves as a mini introduction to your page and business.

You Can Create A Post

Once you have finished creating your Facebook business page, the next thing is to post some good content. Without posting any content, people will not be able to discover your Facebook business page.

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